Terms of use

Updates and acceptance of terms

This site is regularly updated along with the terms of use for site users. The terms of use may change from time to time and we advise that you check them regularly. They constitute a binding agreement between you and Cree Nation Government. Any use of this site constitutes acceptance of this agreement.

Ownership/Use of Content on this website

Reproduction of material within this site

This site was created solely for the personal, non-commercial use of internet users. The purpose of this site is to provide citizens of Eeyou Istchee, Quebec and Canada with information on programs and services offered by Cree Nation Government. By using this site, you accept the terms and conditions outlined below and agree to not reproduce any content without expressed consent of Cree Nation Government for commercial activities. You may reproduce the material within this site as follows:

Non-Commercial Reproduction: Unless otherwise indicated, you may reproduce any part of this website in part or in whole provided that you respect the following conditions:

  1. It is your responsibility to take the necessary precautions and exercise due diligence to ensure the content being reproduced is accurate
  2. Ensure that any material that is reproduced provides appropriate reference to the full title and author (when available) of the material that was used.
  3. The material within this site is available for information purposes only. By using it you accept responsibility for information that you transmit and reproduce.

Commercial Reproduction: Unless approved by the site administrator, and the Director of Communications at Cree Nation Government – no material may be replicated for commercial use. By using this site, you accept that you may not reproduce in part or in whole any material within this site for commercial gain.

If you wish to gain permission to reproduce Cree Nation Government material you may do so by contacting:

Cree Nation Embassy

Communications Department

81 Metcalfe Street, Suite 900, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6K7

Educational Reproduction: You may use content contained on this website for educational purposes in accordance with our mandate. However, as stated in non-commercial reproduction, it is your responsibility to ensure the accuracy of any content reproduced.

Trademarks, Logos and Identification of Cree Nation Government

All logos, flags, wordmarks and trademarks on this site are the property of Cree Nation Government. They are protected and are subject to the laws applicable in Québec, including the Copyright Act (RSC 1985, c C-42) and may not be reproduced without the prior expressed written consent of the copyright administrator.

The accuracy of Content / Limitation of Liability

Cree Nation Government and the site contributors will make all reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy, currency and reliability of all content including programs, services and departmental information contained within. However, they may not at all times be accurate or up-to-date. Any errors that are identified should be brought to the attention of the site administrator (link). It is the responsibility of the site user to ensure that they exercise necessary due diligence when utilizing site content.

Cree Nation Government, its departments, employees and site personnel will not under any circumstance be held accountable for damages to an entity, or individual as a result of site use.

Site Links, Third-Party Applications and Social Media Platforms

Cree Nation Government provides for the convenience of its site users access to sites, including social media and application links that are outside of its control. They are not governed by the present terms of use and Cree Nation Government accepts no liability for the accuracy, reliability or currency of these sites. Cree Nation Government by providing these links does not endorse these sites or the information contained within them.

Privacy and Site Links

It is important that site users understand that external websites, social media and applications are not subject to the privacy policy contained within this site. We encourage all internet users to carefully read the terms and conditions, and the privacy policy of any external site, social media platform or application. Cree Nation Government is not responsible for any damages that occur as a result of using external sites.

Social Media and Third-Party Platforms

Cree Nation Government and its departments may at times provide information on programs, services and issues through third-party social media. This section is written to provide an outline of how Cree Nation Government interacts with the public and our standards for interacting with Cree Nation Government through the methods provided by third-party providers.

The Social Media Policy is in part governed by the social media policy of third-party social media platforms as well as the following Terms and Conditions. Cree Nation Government does not accept liability for third-party social media use by any user that utilizes links contained within this site. They are offered for the convenience of the user and Cree Nation Government does not have authority over the Terms and Conditions of any third-party social media site. However, we strongly encourage all users of this site to carefully read the terms and conditions of any third-party service that they access.

Content and Frequency

Cree Nation Government and its departments utilize third-party social media as part of an expanded platform to engage with the public as well as stakeholders throughout Eeyou Istchee. Cree Nation Government uses these services to promote content available through its website as well as publications that are available through Cree Nation Government Departments. Cree Nation Government has no control over the quality of access offered through a social media platform and accepts no responsibility for delays in service or information.

In addition, many social media platforms provide advertisements services that are not controlled by Cree Nation Government. Cree Nation Government accepts no responsibility for user interaction with these advertisements. Cree Nation Government does not endorse any third-party content provided through social media (unless explicitly stated) other than those directly created by Cree Nation Government.

Netiquette and Standards for Interaction

Cree Nation Government will when appropriate, read and interact with comments and feedback provided by users. Your comments, in accordance with our standards for interaction (listed below) must be respectful and relevant to the content provided by Cree Nation Government.

Cree Nation Government will not engage in partisan discussion or interactions that explicitly request endorsement through our social media pages.

Cree Nation Government upholds a standard for interaction and reserves the right to remove any content that is:

  1. Racist, hateful, defamatory, sexist, homophobic and/or offensive
  2. Threatening, abusive or harassing other users
  3. Advertisement or solicitation including posts that are repeatedly generated in a short period of time (whether personal or commercial)
  4. Is written in a language other than Cree, English or French
  5. Is contrary to the values Cree Constitution and/or the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Constitution
  6. Is unrelated, unclear or muddled
  7. Incites or encourages criminal activity or is contrary to any laws of Eeyou Istchee or federal, provincial or territorial laws of Canada.

Any post that violates or does not uphold these standards will be removed without notice. Cree Nation Government through the deletion of content neither agrees or disagrees with any of the content removed.

Disclosing Personal Information

Cree Nation Government will not comment or interact with any content that discloses personal or confidential information about the user. These posts will be deleted as soon as possible to protect the user and Cree Nation Government. Cree Nation Government discourages users from disclosing case based or legal information through social media at any time. Cree Nation Government will not keep a copy or share any information provided by a user that is confidential or personal.


By interacting with Cree Nation Government through shared content on this website or through social media sites you agree to the Terms and Conditions and standards of interaction. Cree Nation Government will when necessary, hold the user responsible for any violation of the terms & conditions or standards of interaction indicated.